About the Work

Bodywork + Education = Lasting Change

Rooted in the Alexander Technique, Rebecca’s work combines sophisticated hands-on work with mindfulness and movement education to help you unwind old patterns and access new ways of being and moving in your daily life with balance and ease. Learning how to create new habits is often the missing link in realizing lasting change and deepening ease in your body, presence in your life, and  excellence in your activities.

Ease In Your Body
  • Decrease acute and chronic tension and pain
  • Injury recovery and prevention
  • Developing a more positive relationship with your body
  • Increased body awareness
  • Increased movement efficiency and sense of balance, support and ease.

Hands-on work, imagery, bodymapping, movement and body awareness explorations are used to cultivate embodiment (feeling yourself in your body consciously), and to learn your bodies’ natural, efficient movement design. This is great for people who want more comfort in their bodies, deepened applied knowledge of the body’s design, or who want tools which they can share with others. Whether you never think of your body, or are a body-exploration junkie, this work is designed to meet you and take you deeper.

Presence In Your Life
  • Become aware of life habits (thinking, emotional, belief system, somatic) through noticing how you are in your body
  • Access more choice (make non-habitual choices) in your ways of being and actions
  • Recognize habits in a situation or relationships access new choices
  • Easier relationship with change and transitions
  • Reduce anxiety and stress

This work engages people in a process that supports awareness of how they are being and moving in their bodies during their day. It also gives you the tools to become more present and at ease in your body, and to make non-habitual choices. This combination of increasing awareness and tools to make new choices, can affect every aspect of your life. A positive cycle is created when you notice how you are doing things in a non-judgmental way, and are able to make choices that are increasingly in line with how you want to be in life. People often report becoming more present, curious, at ease, supported and connected to themselves and life. Life habits can be addressed directly in a lesson, or can be the by-product of engaging in the work.

Excellence In Your Activities

From working at a desk, to physical labor, to sports and the performing arts this work is great for:

  • Increasing bio-mechanical efficiency, giving you more power, speed, precision and grace
  • Decreasing chronic pain or tension patterns
  • Decreasing performance anxiety
  • Accessing being “in the zone” (the space where performance is creative, efficient, more than the sum of it’s parts)
  • Becoming more present and aware in your activities that make up your life
  • Learning your current habits in an activity and learning how to access other, more efficient and full ways of doing them